One of the cornerstones here at team LagoTech is none other than Björn Leinen. With almost 25 years in the industry, he is a well-known name and face. Björn has market responsibility and has his main focus is on sales. He is often on the road to meet customers. When asked whats the best part of his job is, he replies that “it is the relationship you create with all the customers and being able to help solve problems”. This is something that defines Björn in his daily work where he is always available and happy to help. This is an important qualities when he now also has taken on the role of mentor to our new employees.
Björn was recently interviewed by Selldorado. We asked them if we could publish the interview on our website, which was OK. But feel free to also go to Selldorado’s website to learn more about them.
Happy reading!

For the participants in our leadership network in Gothenburg, Björn is a well-known face. Since the beginning of 2020, there are very few occasions Björn Leinen has misses in our leadership networks.

– Selldorado with its wide selection gives me in my work role a good dose of inspiration and useful knowledge in a good format, says Björn.

LagoTech is expanding.
LagoTech AB is a company in the plastics & chemical industry, and supplies everything that can be needed in the manufacture of Polyurethane parts.

– We supply the industry with PUR systems, Varnish systems, Pigments, Release agents, Chemistry for paper manufacturing and paper foil varnish. We also help with various different types of hardware such as pumps, spray and application equipment. What makes us unique in the industry is our broad and deep knowledge. We also train and consult a lot, which means that our customers use the products we sell them in the right way, which ensures to avoid, among other things, overconsumption of chemicals. Being on site with the customer is important to us and to our customers, of course, and we are often involved from the drawing board in many projects. Environmental thinking is the focus from the start and we work continuously in parity with laws and regulations that we see as positive development.

What challenges are you facing?
The biggest challenge right now is expanding our team with all that that entails. Soon we will also have to move to larger premises, which is something to look forward to.
The entire industry’s biggest challenge is to adapt to the environment – there is a lot going on here!

Björn celebrates 25 years at the company in September 2024.
A sign that you are enjoying yourself, what is the best thing about your job?

– Definitely the wide range of what we do and offer. Everything from large projects down to really small school work – we are there!

Knowledge & Inspiration with Selldorado.
As mentioned above, Björn has been a diligent participant in Selldorado’s leadership network since the beginning of 2020.
– Selldorado with its wide selection gives me in my work role a good dose of inspiration and useful knowledge in a well served format. There are many useful raisins from the cake that you pick with you from every occasion. Then the social part with other returning participants you meet is a big bonus!

We at Selldorado hope that Björn, who is a very valued participant in our leadership network, will remain with us at Selldorado for at least another 25 years!

Thank you Björn for your trust!

// Selldorado AB